So if you are looking for a special photo of your automobile that can be displayed in your office, game room, garage, bar, man cave or den.? Then think about a Light Painting photo by Gary Campbell
Here is a Quick review of what Light Painting is:?? Light Painting is a process where we use little LED lights that cover the car detail creating from 50 to 200 individual photos. Then by using a computer we carefully use those images and paint a spectacular photo of you Automobile, Airplane, Motorcycle or other special things you own.
If you have an exotic car, sports car, classics auto, custom design, Hot Rod, Air Plane we can Light paint it and make it special.
Below are some examples from my work to others in my Light Painting Crew.
email me at or call 714-345-8407
1928 Hurest
Interesting Story
This Hurst was be set up to be displayed at Garden Grove Friday night car show. We were planning on driving the car to a local park and Light paint the car and some of highlights of background and Trees. When I got to the home where it was parked it declared dead and could not be driven that night because of a part being shipped in. So we did the Driveway. I had to photoshop the cemetery in for some photos I took in Main several years ago.
A Little Something
About Us
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras rutrum finibus dui in convallis. Nullam sit amet bibendum ex. Fusce viverra enim et facilisis egestas. Aliquam vel turpis at justo venenatis euismod non non arcu. Curabitur bibendum massa ut nisi ornare, quis pharetra justo hendrerit. Aliquam egestas velit sit amet dapibus feugiat. Proin vel porttitor dolor. Fusce convallis tellus id purus ultricies mollis.